Full cost transparency with the MinkPolice SIM card
The MinkPolice online portal and apps can be used free of charge. Only the SIM card subscription and batteries have to be purchased in addition to the trap monitor.
Each MinkPolice trap alarm is already delivered with an active MinkPolice SIM card inside, so that you can immediately start using your new device. The MinkPolice SIM card works across Europe and always uses the best available network.
You are welcome to test the MinkPolice SIM card free of charge for 7 days. If you do not want to use the MinkPolice SIM card, you are free to take it out and replace it with another SIM card with mobile data connection.
The usage fee of the MinkPolice SIM card for the MP5 is 10 EUR and for the MP10 20 EUR plus VAT per year and trap alarm, and covers all data usage (status and alarm notifications via push notification and mail) of a MinkPolice device. You will receive an e-mail with all necessary information, as soon as a renewal of your SIM card subscription is due via our online payment solution.
In order to avoid unforeseen additional costs, sending SMS with the MinkPolice SIM card is deactivated by default. We recommend using our free app with push notifications, instead of SMS, as this will not incur any additional costs. Please contact us directly (support@minkpolice.com), if you want to unlock your MinkPolice SIM card for sending SMS. SMS will be charged additionally according to actual consumption.
In periods when your trap is not in use you can pause the SIM card subscription up to 90 days per year. The period of use will be extended accordingly.